What/Who is Travel Expansion?
Since my very first trip when I was around 10 with my dad, I knew that what I wanted was to expand my adventures and go out and see the world. (… I was pretty shocked in a good way and left mesmerized hahaha)
So, Travel Expansion was created with the intent to share my experiences around the world through my lens and hopefully you get inspired to pack more memories and travel on… sooner!
The Goal with Travel Expansion is…
To inspire you to go out and see this beautiful world we live in, to help you create opportunities to increase your income (so you can travel more) that are out there and to engage with fellow travelers from all walks of life globally.
Gordon’s Trivia
- Full Name: Gordon Attard
- Country of Origin: Malta
- Hobbies: Cooking, Photography, Business & Meeting Like Minded Peeps
Hey! Let’s Connect…
- Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gordon.attard
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TravelExpansion
- YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/TravelExpansionTV
Quickly My Story …
I am a professional tourist (aka a Travelpreneur) and I travel around 8 times a year (my goal is to travel 2-3 times every month). After a while, I decided to create this travel blog to pretty much document my experiences and use it to generate additional income streams through the opportunities I provide.
It Wasn’t Always This Way…
Before, I was a chef for 13 years and I have struggled in really understanding my purpose in life as I was just existing and NOT living. (I was working 70hrs weeks)
In 2011, when the recession hit, I lost my job as the owners of the restaurant closed down its doors to move back to their country, so I had the time to look around, what’s around me.
Since I didn’t have neither time and neither money, I started to look for opportunities rather than jobs and started learning marketing and how to use the internet to generate income to have more time to follow my passions. (traveling the world is one of them hahaha).
After educating myself by attending events, on YouTube and by following what others have been working on, I managed to start earning money by promoting our travel community and selling digital products online thhat I was earning while I was behind the grill flipping steaks working long hours!
Nowadays, I work with individuals helping them to travel more and create a passive income while on their vacations!
My Mission is…
Certainly, my mission has evolved in time and it is simply to live purposely, to impact others and to give back!
Together with our team we also started a giving project in Guatemala to build a three-room bottle school (a school made with plastic bottles) in a mountain village for about 60-70 kids that have no access to education.
Learn More Here About This Project!
Note: If you are interested in work collaboration, email contact@travelexpansion.com